Sunday, January 9, 2011

John Egg defends JYJ's Junsu amidst current controversy [Credits to]

by Hazirah Eunhyuk on Sunday, 09 January 2011 at 14:48

Amidst the recent controversy over Junsu's tweets, a friend of the trio JYJ has stepped forward to defend Junsu. John Egg, also known as elbowyeish on Twitter, posted the lyrics to "Fallen Leaves" on his Facebook recently. He explained in a tweet that the song was written by Junsu for Cassies and the two remaining members of DBSK. It was because of this dedication that he was so "devastated by the lyrics to [Keep Your Head Down]."

Be sure to read John Egg's message:
“This is Junsu’s heart not for a girl he loves… but it was written for you fans (Cassies) and the other 2 members (Homin). This was why he was so devastated by the lyrics to KYHD. Please stop bashing Junsu. He is a sweet angel from heaven…. He only deserves our love and support. Let’s always stay by his side so he can stand on a grand stage to sing this song for us again with a HUGE smile and joy in his heart. We love you Junsu! We’ll always stand by you no matter what… because we know who you really are… we know your true heart… we know your character… that’s who we all fell in love with… and nothing will ever change that.

"This line, “빛의 별들의 향연 the brightness of the star’s lights” is referring to Cassies… the stars in the sky… Cassiopeia shining bright… but where is that bright light now? It’s being stifled by bitter fighting and hate. Please let the li…ght shine brightly again. Please be proud stars in the sky. Please show not only JYJ or Homin but to the rest of the world… that Cassies are a proud fanclub… Cassies show love and not hate. Cassies forgive and do not point fingers… Cassies always stand by the boys… because love never changes.

"One day, I was with Junsu… he shared a song with me in the car that he’d written. It was still unfinished and we heard it through his phone… It only had the music with no lyrics yet… I asked him where the lyrics were… he smiled and …started sharing the lyrics with me… he started talking about how most people would interpret this song as love between a man and a woman. But he said his intentions were written that this song is between him (JYJ) and the fans (Cassies). He also said it was towards Homin. He looks forward to standing on the same stage with them someday. Until then, he’ll just wait and love. Junsu’s last 2 tweets after all this happened were the lyrics to this song. He was very emotional that day thinking about the DBSK days as 5. Can you imagine how he’s feeling now? People have totally misunderstood his heart and made him a liar and betrayer. Junsu is so innocent. You can see and hear his pure heart in this song. Remember, this song was written BEFORE all this chaos started. Please… don’t spread and increase the hate. Cassies must stay united. Cassies must stay strong for their boys. Don’t let something that took 7 years to build crumble overnight.”

The lyrics John Egg posted to "Fallen Leaves":
바람이 분다 the wind is blowing
노을이지고 a glowing of the sky
운명이 우릴 fate has us
멀게만 해도 even if it’s a distance away
시간 흐르고 the time passes
지나간 자리 길다 the spaces that passes by is long
사랑인가봐 it seems to be love
그리움인가봐 it seems to be longing
네 미소가 your smile
내 안에 물든다 has captivated me
꽃이 진 후에 after the flowers have fallen
우리는 다시 시작 we will start all over again
낙엽 위를 걸으면 if we walk on the fallen leaves
함께만 있자며 while we’re together
내마음 삼킨 그대 the lady who took my heart
영원을 약속할게 I promise eternally
눈이 부시게 shimmering to the eyes
아름다운 꿈에 in the beautiful dream
시련이 다가오나봐 seems like an ordeal has come
어둠이 가고 gone the darkness
새벽이 오면 come the morning
어느새 그기억에 머문다 remain in the memory unaware
오직 널 향한 always towards you
내마음 이슬에 맺힌다 my heart fills with tears
낙엽 위를 걸으면 if we walk on the fallen leaves
함께만 있자며 while we’re together
내마음 삼킨 그대 the lady who took my heart
영원을 약속할게 I promise eternally
눈이 부시게 shimmering to the eyes
아름다운 꿈에 in the beautiful dream
시련이 다가오나봐 seems like an ordeal has come
같은하늘아래서 under the same sky
같은꿈을꾸는 we dream of the same dream
빛의 별들의 향연 the brightness of the star’s lights’
그 축제에 내 몸을 실어 this occasion captivated me
언젠가 다시 부를 노래 a song that will be sang someday
그날이 찾아오겠지 that day will come for sure
사랑한다 말할게 i will say I love you
온몸을 다해서 with all my heart-felt feelings
옛순간의 떨림을 the fear of the past
영원히간직할게 i will cherish it eternally
현실에 가려 going towards the reality
널볼수없어도 even if I can’t see you
다시널 찾을테니까 I will come back for you
사랑인가봐 seems like it’s love
그리움인가봐 seems like it’s longing
네 미소가 your smile
내 안에 물든다 has captivated me
꽃이 진후에 우리는 after the flowers have fallen, we~
다시 시작 start over again
다시 시작 start over again
다시 시작 start over again

P/S: Please stop hurting them and go against them...please...

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